No. 324

Football Oct. 24. Eleven v. Twenty Two The Eleven won by two goals (Cuppage and Bury) to none. Oct. 26. Westminster v. Upton Park Drawn. None to none. Nov. 3. Westminster v. Old Harrovian Drawn. Two all (Cuppage).   The Eleven is now filled up – H. Abernethy (Captain), W.A. Cuppage, R. Mead, H.C. Benbow,…

No. 323

There have been several letters written to the papers denouncing Westminster & counselling its removal to the country, but I think satisfactory answers have been made to all. As to the question of removal, it will be a bad thing for Westminster if it comes to that.

No. 322

The Annual Athletic Sports came off this year on Oct. 17 & 18, & curiously, in fine weather! The Town Boys who won prizes are as follows – Stephenson C. won the Mile & 2nd in the half mile with hurdles at the end. Hamilton won the half mile with hurdles, & was second in…

No. 321

The Town Boy & Queen’s Scholar Match Monday 8th August 1877 T.B.B. 1st inning 2nd inning D. Patrick, l.b.w., b. Sandwith 16 c. Benbow, b. Robinson 18 xB.M. Rogers, b. Owen 3 b. Robinson 9 xA.M. Hemsley, lbw, b. Owen 27 c. Mead, b. Robinson 9 xH.W. Abernethy, c. Reece, b. Owen 36 b. Owen…

No. 320

On Saturday, September 29th a school collection was made for the Indian Famine Relief Fund, which reached the sum of £26. This is the largest collection that has been made at the school. William G Bell

No. 318

An exhibition has now been founded in memory of the late Mr. James Mure. The value is £40, & it may be held by any boy at the school between the ages of 15 and 18. The examination is to take place every October, in the subjects of Greek & Latin translation, prose & verse…