No 59
The following is a list of the 6th at Xmas 1823 Wood Wyld Amherst Ridley Freer Fremantle Forester Michell Chafy Booth Duncan Trelawny Lendon Dasent Wilson Buller Longman Waddilove Lyon Davis Mitchell Jackson (22) JR Wood Prin Opp
The following is a list of the 6th at Xmas 1823 Wood Wyld Amherst Ridley Freer Fremantle Forester Michell Chafy Booth Duncan Trelawny Lendon Dasent Wilson Buller Longman Waddilove Lyon Davis Mitchell Jackson (22) JR Wood Prin Opp
On the 5th of November this year (1823) in consequence of a fellow of the name of Kynaston having been shockingly burnt by the accidental explosion of some fireworks Dr. Goodenough sent round to each boarding house strict orders prohibiting them for the future. Dr. G. had previously allowed them which, however, was not the…
The Cricket Match between the Town Boys and Kings Scholars took place this year (1823) on Tuesday August 5th – The former however were beaten by 27 Runs. The following are the names of the players on each side: Town Boys: Emmet Wyld Amherst Jnr Dowdswell Dasent Lendon Waddilove Tollemache Mitchell Bigge De Brugh Kings…
A short time previous to the Whitsuntide Holidays of this year Goodenough made known his intention of having Mathematics taught at Westminster on a plan which should be more nearly connected & united with the other business of the school. The following is a copy of the plan on which it was to be adopted…
On the 22 Feby 1823. The following rules were given out by Goodenough “Dr Goodenough desires that every Boy who in consequence of illness or any other cause may be detained either at home or at the house of any friend beg and the time for which leave is given, shall (in addition to the…