No 46
The list of the Sixth Form at Xmas 1821 is as follows: O Morgan A. Philpott Wood Land Le Buton Butler Dowdeswell Wyld Auriol Maurice Courtenay Jordan Goring Evans Emmett Burton Murray Amherst Ridley Ld Stormont 20 C.O.S Morgan Prin. Opp.
The list of the Sixth Form at Xmas 1821 is as follows: O Morgan A. Philpott Wood Land Le Buton Butler Dowdeswell Wyld Auriol Maurice Courtenay Jordan Goring Evans Emmett Burton Murray Amherst Ridley Ld Stormont 20 C.O.S Morgan Prin. Opp.
On Friday October 26th 1821 the Revd. H Hodgson filled up the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the Revd David Longlands Usher of the fifth form – Mr Hodgson took precedence of Mr Dodd – Morgan Prin Opp
I have decided to post this entry, No 32*, after No 44 which appears to be its rightful place – ECW 08/03/2016 The papers from which this number is copied having for some time lain loose in this book I have thought it right to copy them into it for the benefit of posterity. As…
In consequence of some things which Mr Knox had said, being misunderstood & misrepresented, a disturbance arose, Dr G was hissed but an explanation taking place in Mr Knox’s room, all things were soon set right – O. Morgan. Prin. Opp.
On Friday Septr 28th, 1821, Dr Goodenough called the head boys of the different boarding houses into his house, and told them that, as the school was much on the decline, being very thin, particularly the Under School & that the reason always assigned by persons for not sending their sons early to Westminster was,…
In September 1821 a dispute arose between the T.B and K.S concerned by a right claimed by the K.S of playing in the cloisters at ¼ to one o’clock during the football season – The K.S appearing in the cloisters at the above mentioned time and the T.B unwilling to comply, an argument was entered…
On Wednesday the 19 of Sept 1821 Mr Dodd son of the Revd J.W Dodd (viz No 21]) was instituted usher of Westminster School, his election was remarkable from his never having been in College. George B Mansel Princeps Oppidanus
On Monday September 17th Mr Bull, at that time usher, was instituted as Under Master of Westminster School, in the room of the Revd E Ellis MA who resigned, on account of ill health. George B Mansel Princeps Oppidanus
On Tuesday July 31st (1821) The Annual Cricket match was played between the Town-boys and Kings scholars: the latter beating by upwards of a whole innings. The dinner followed as usual, in the fields, to which the scorers were invited. The names of the players were as follows Town-boys Kings scholars Rocke …
On Tuesday July 24 a grand musical festival was held in the Abbey, to which we were all invited gratis the Dean and Chapter having lent their Record room exclusively for the purpose. William Heberden Prin. Opp.