No 343
We had after Easter an hour added to morning school & were let out in the afternoon at ½ past 4 CFL West
We had after Easter an hour added to morning school & were let out in the afternoon at ½ past 4 CFL West
On Williamsons resignation the 6th presented him with a handsome silver epergne and stand, as the ushers Hodgson and Bentall also rec’d notice from the newly appointed Master that he had no need of their services the Shell, & 5 & 4 gave a silver waiter & bread basket to Hodgson & to Bentall a…
The Bishop’s boys about this term left off wearing the blue gown
It was currently reported all the half that Williamson was about to leave & so it proved, which he first made public at the Westr dinner. He gave us his reasons that the low state of the school & he said some seemed to think he was in the way of its rising and as…
The annual TB & QS cricket match was won this year by QS by 5 runs see Cricket Ledger__ The Lamprobatick between QS and TB was won by the later in one innings & 17 runs to spare See also Cricket Ledger C.F.L West
The Etonians being anxious to regain their lost laurels of last year sent us a friendly chalenge to row them again this year which we readily accepted, and having obtained Williamson’s leave which he kindly gave us very readily we commenced training under our old friend Noulton and after several attempts ineffectual to fix the…
Ditch Leaping was kept up this year with great spirit and was very well attended considering the present extreme low state of the school. C.F.L West OP.
The subject for Deans Verses this year was __
I am sorry to be here obliged to state that after a series of rows and bad feeling & conduct of some of the fellows, 1 of the Seniors was publicly expelled for his share viz. Goodenough the Captain. The af[f]air was well known, & shewed up to Sir R Peel & others in authority…
On ___ our Dean (Wilberforce) having been consecrated Bishop of Oxford, Dr Buckland Canon of Ch Ch Oxford was appointed Dean of Westminster and came to the play on the last night when he gave us an extra week, at the Xmas vacation C.F.L West