No. 171
The Ireland prizes were awarded last term as follows Greek verse S. Liberty. Latin Prize E. N. Marsh. Bible Knowledge. Senior G.G.S. Gillet & H.C. Jonas (equal) Junior J.D. Miller. S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.
The Ireland prizes were awarded last term as follows Greek verse S. Liberty. Latin Prize E. N. Marsh. Bible Knowledge. Senior G.G.S. Gillet & H.C. Jonas (equal) Junior J.D. Miller. S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.
The Ireland prizes for Greek Prose & Latin verse have been awarded to B. M. Goldeir Q.S.
The subjects for the Prize Competition were as follows:- Dean Ireland’s (i) Greek Prose, More’s Utopia Bk ii ch 5. ‘The people’ – ‘chiefly themselves’. (ii) Greek Verse, Matthew Arnold’s ‘Tristan & Isolde’: ‘And is she happy’ – ‘today’s exact repeated effigy.’ (iii) Latin Prose, Bacon’s essays om ‘Revenge’ – Gumbleton’s English Verse, ‘Gordon’.
The Mure Scholarship this year has been won by C.C.J. Webb Q.S. prox. acc. A.M.T. Jackson T.B. No Prize has been awarded for the Ireland Verses. The subject was “Mahornet”.
The Ireland Verse Prize was awarded to C.C.J. Webb Q.S. The subject was ‘Cometae’. The Dean’s Greek Testament Prizes were awarded to 1. J.B. Hodge 2. C.C.J. Webb Q.S. The subjects were – The Epistle to the Galatians, Epistles General of S. James and S. John and Rev ch 1-V. The Mure Scholarship has been…
No Ireland Verse Prize has been awarded this year – the subject was Medea. The Dean’s Greek Testament Prize was divided between H.R. James Q.S. and J.B. Hodge. J Barwick Hodge for W.L. Benbow Prin. Opp.
The Results of the competition for the Phillimore Prose 1. A.A. Sikes Q.S. OEqu: Prize H.C. Benbow Q.S. 2. W.A. Peck Q.S. OEqu: – J.B. Hodge T.B Verse R. James Q.S. Prize A. Peck Q.S. 2nd Prize B. Hodge T.B (Vide Entry 399) The subject for the Ireland Verses was “Mount Sinai”. The…
The second prize for the Ireland Latin Verse was awarded to W.A. Peck, Q.S. No first prize was given. The subject was “Cyprus”
The Ireland verse prize was not given, the Dean’s Greek Testament prize was on by J.A. Turner and W.C. Aston. (1877) The Gumbleton English verse prize was won by C. B. Vyvyan, A. R. Smith was second but no prize was given.
The Ireland Verse prizes were awarded to (1) H.M.C. Macpherson (2) E.H. Alington; and the Dean’s Greek Testament prizes to (1) J.A. Turner (2) H.R.K. Rogers.