No. 209
The monitors for the ensuing year are:- J. S. Phillimore Q.S. Captain F. Urch T.B. E. H. Marsh T.B. Monitors J. S. Shearme Q.S. Head of Rigauds H. R. Blaker —- Grants R. A. Yeld —- HBB R. R. Howlett F. Urch. Prin. Opp.
The monitors for the ensuing year are:- J. S. Phillimore Q.S. Captain F. Urch T.B. E. H. Marsh T.B. Monitors J. S. Shearme Q.S. Head of Rigauds H. R. Blaker —- Grants R. A. Yeld —- HBB R. R. Howlett F. Urch. Prin. Opp.
The captains & monitors for the ensuing year are: P. Williamson Q.S. Captain H.L. Stephenson Q.S. Monitor F.G. Eccles T.B.B Monitor S. Liberty T.B.B. Monitor The heads of houses being Grants. F. E. Maclean Rigauds P. Waterfield HBB H.P. Edwards F. G. Eccles. Prin: Opp:
The captain and monitors for the ensuing year are A. R. Knapp Q.S. S.C. Woodhouse T.B. J.B.W. Chapman Q.S. F. Street Q.S. The heads of Houses being Grants H.C. Barnes Rigauds P. Weichard House-Boarders H.P. Edwards
The other Wednesday Rutherford had J. E. Phillimore, Probyn, Thornton & Clay into the Upper VIth room & then informed us that in future the old monitorial council was to be done away with & a new one established consisting of all the Upper VIth & any other T.B.B. monitors whom Rutherford might choose to…
At the end of lent term it became known that Rutherford intended to make me one of the four school monitors. Both James the present Q.S. captain & Bompas went to him to try & induce him to reconsider his determination but he simply wouldn’t listen to them. On the last day the monitors names…
These last two fellows were not made monitors up school, Rutherford merely said they “were to consider themselves monitors”. None of the five have signed their names in the Headmaster’s book; Rutherford says the rules in it are so complicated that no one can understand them. As a matter of fact I believe he has…
On Thursday, June 11th Rutherford made R. Towers (Home boarder), J. Salway (Grantite) & E. Jervis (Rigaudite) Town boy monitors. I, being head town boy, spoke to him afterwards, when he said he had not considered how the matter would affect me. I was to be head town boy without being a monitor. Of course,…
Town Boys in VIth. Play term 1884. E.F. Allan (T.B. Monitor) C. Buttar (T.B. Monitor) J.I. Pryce (T.B. Monitor) J.I. Stirling (Rigaud’s) J. Salwey (Grant’s) Bompas (Grant’s) R.M. Towers (Home boarders) E.A. Webber (Ashburnham House) The Headmaster has weakly postponed the actual creation of T.B. monitors but as he has intimated his intention of “publishing…
The following town boys are now in the Sixth W.L. Benbow Grants Prin. Opp. (T.B. Monitor) E. Poland Grants. T.B. Monitor J.B. Hodge Grants T.B. Monitor T. Morison – Grants A. Soames – H.B. Grants F.F. James – Rigauds H.G. Gwinner – Home Boarders W.G. Hewitt H.B. Rigauds It will be observed that…
There has been I am sorry to say a row between the Monitors and Masters about the old moot point of whether Monitors shall punish offences which take place in the presence of Masters. A short time ago, James the Q.S. Capt. came up to me upon coming from Morning Abbey, and said he required…