No 268
The List of the Sixth after Xmas stood as follows; W.L. Spurway G.E. Gillett *J.C.H. Colquhoun L.E.H. Somerset J. Preston *J.I. French Those marked with an asterisk are Home Boarders. J. Preston OP Wm Spurway Prin. Opp. 1843
The List of the Sixth after Xmas stood as follows; W.L. Spurway G.E. Gillett *J.C.H. Colquhoun L.E.H. Somerset J. Preston *J.I. French Those marked with an asterisk are Home Boarders. J. Preston OP Wm Spurway Prin. Opp. 1843
I shall here take it upon me to relate an incident wh. though trivial in itself may nevertheless be deemed worthy of insertion. It chanced that 2 of the smaller Townboys, Nicholson and Chambers having quarrelled resolved to end their differences in the Fighting Green. Whilst the Fight was going on a man by name…
Among the principal events relating to Westminster this year, The Dean, Dr. Ireland died, at an advanced age, Sept. 8th 1842. He was succeeded by Dr. Turton, formerly Regius Professor of St. Catherine’s Hall, Cambridge. The late Dean, as it was said, left £60,000, out of which he did not leave the least trifle to…
At the beginning of the Summer half 1842 Williamson made the following new rules – 1st That all home boarders should go to the Abbey with the boarders every Saints Day. 2d That if a Saints Day should fall on a Saturday or Monday there shd be no leave out on those days i.e. No…
The race did accordingly take place on Tuesday July 26th & in spite of the quarrels I am happy to say the Westminster were victorious. The Water Ledger will furnish the enquiringly reader with every particular of that most interesting day. W.G. Andrewes Prin. Opp. All Queen’s Scholars rowed in this match.
March 1 – 1842 A quarrel between the TB & QSS which lasted some time began this day in consequence of Beasley a Bishops’ Boy in the Sixth having licked a Second Election.* The facts are as follows – The Captain* having head that this fellow in the 2d Election has been licked, sent to…
The subject for Deans Verses this year (1842) was “The Prince of Wales”. W.G. Andrewes Prin. Opp.
Altho’ I was taken in the examination by Speerway, yet having been first when the ledger was handed over to me in August I of course continued to call myself head of the Town Boys, independant of any changes in the School, which rule holds good with respect to Cricket & Water – W.G. Andrewes…