No 182

On the 9th of December being the 2d play night, the annual 6th Dinner was held at the Café de L’Europe in the Haymarket where it was held last year. It was very inferior and exorbitantly dear. So few fellows were in the 6th it was found necessary to ask of the Upper Shell The…

No 181*

In consequence of the daily decreasing state of the school both in number and size, and the bad effects these evils entail on the power and importance of the fellows themselves I have thought it right to give a few reasons for this, which have fallen under my notice during my stay at Westminster. In…

No 181b

On Saturday August 1st the annual Grand Match between the TB and KS was played. It continued pretty even during the first innings, when the KS were only a mere trifle in advance – But the dinner being between their second innings and our own – the juice of the grape told against some of…

No 181

On Wednesday the 22d (Friday being the day preceeding a saints day) the annual match was played between the Town Boys who had not played in the Grand Match the preceeding year and the Lamprobatics in which the former were beaten in one innings. The following is a list of the players. TB C.D. Osborn…

No 180

The names at the fields and in Dean’s Yard at ½ past seven at the former place and ¼ past eight in the latter which Williamson had abolished last year were this year reinstituted on account of the dinner at Putney on the occasion of the intended race (mentioned (168) and given at length in…

No 179

Williamson having proposed as a subject for an English Prize poem a translation of the chorus in the Hecuba several fellows tried for it and the best exercise being declared by Williamson to be that shown up by a Townboy, it was of course expected that he would have the prize, but in the interval…

No 170

On account of the death of his royal highness the Duke of Gloucester which took place on Sunday evening Dec 30th 1834, it was expected (as is usual on such occasions) that the College Play would be stopped, and orders to that effect were issued by the Dean and notice given of it by Williamson…

No 159*

Another sailing match took place, subsequently to those already mentioned – the following were the boats engaged in the contest. General Hurst Osborn Colonel Preston Astley Commodore Milman Lowther Sen. Captain Bewicke Somerton Admiral Warren Vialls The Boats after a beautifully contested race (the two first boats, having been side by side the whole way…

No 32*

I have decided to post this entry, No 32*, after No 44 which appears to be its rightful place – ECW 08/03/2016 The papers from which this number is copied having for some time lain loose in this book I have thought it right to copy them into it for the benefit of posterity.  As…