No. 148

The Ireland Prizes for this term have been awarded as follows For Latin Verse to J.S. Phillimore Q.S. For Green Prose to S. Liberty T.B. The Phillimore Translation Prize has beenawarded to J.W.B. Chapman Q.S.                                                                                            S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.

No. 147

The following is the result of the matches for this term.                                                                             Goals Old Westminster                                 Won                   Lost Old Westminsters                                 0                          3 Old Estonians                                        3                          3 Ashburnham Rovers                              2                          2 Crusaders                                               0                          8 Bickleys XI                                              1                           2 Clapham Rovers                                     0                           2 Royal Engineers                                      0                           3 Old Carthusians                                      3                           5 Casuals                                                    1                           0 Swifts                                                      …


On the 18th of November Lord Devon died, who was likewise an old Westminster, and was present at the School mission meeting up school.                                                                                                   S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.

No. 145

On the 10th of Nov the earl of Lucan an old Westminster died at  his residence in South Street Park Lane.                                                                                               S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.

No. 144

Oak panelling similar to that Up School is being put up in the passage outside the old Library.                                                                                             S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.

No. 143

Mr W. K. Roseveare a former master of the school who left a few terms ago has obtained a fellowship at St John’s College Cambridge.                                                                                                     S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.

No. 142

During the Exeat “Library” was somewhat altered. Doves were put up at the foot of the staircase in Ashburnham house. The old masters’ Common Room was fitted up with cases to hold the school Collection of Coins, this room has been added to the Library. The present buteroom is to be made into a chess…

No. 140

The exeat was extended from Tuesday at 11:30 till Wednesday morning at 9 in honour of ten first class honours gained by former members of the School between Election 1887-1888 viz. At Oxford A senior studentship at Christchurch, A first class in Greats, a first class in Oriental studies, two first classes in moderations and…

No. 139

Mr. Fox has been absent from the beginning of the term owing to ill health. He returned Nov 3rd. His place was filled by Mr Barlow.                                                                                                S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.

No. 138

The exeat this term extends from Friday November 9th at 4pm till 11:30 on the morning of the following Tuesday. This will include plays in honour of C. C. J. Webb x J. E. Phillimore.                                                                                                  S. C. Woodhouse Prin. Opp.