No. 197

The Play went off very this year; since last year completely new Auditorium has been provided, & the stage has been renovated. All the T.B’s in the “God’s” may sit down, which is undeniably a great improvement. The part of Phormio was excellently acted by C. F. Brickdale; the acting of G. M. Hill &…

No. 196

Football – The XI stands as follows: H.S. Otter. QS. Capt. H.A.C Rogers QS. E.H Alington. Q.S. H.L Randall. Q.S. P.G.L Webb. Q.S. R.P. McKeand. T.B. E.H. Holthouse. QS. E. Waddington. Q.S. F.D. Crowdy. Q.S. C. Fox T.B. F. Whitehead. Q.S. The following matches were played by the XI.     Goals     for…

No. 194

Scott the other day spoke to the monitors. It was resolved that any fellow in the cricket or foot ball elevens or in the rowing eight, provided he were over 16, could not be tanned; nor could any fellow in the Shell – these rules tho’ not (I think) written down before as such, have…

No. 192

The Athletics took place on Oct 15 & 16. The weather was altogether very good, though there was a little rain on the first day. The Mile was won by Otter in 5.24 2/5 secs. He also won the Challenge Hammer with a throw of 75 yds. Reid (T.B) won the 2nd prize (74 feet),…

No. 191

There are at present (Christmas half) 6 Town Boys in the VIth. E. G. B Phillimore (Grant’s) T.B. Monitors. E. M. Rodocanachi (H.B. Rigaud’s) T.B. Monitors. F. L. Denman (H.B. Rigaud’s) T.B. Monitors. M. M. Rodocanachi (H.B. Rigaud’s)   L. S. Bristowe (H.B)   H. M. C. McPherson (H.B)     The Ireland was got…

No. 189

The T.B & Q.S cricket match was played up fields on Monday, August 4th & to the surprise of all ended in a victory for the Q.S by 5 wickets, the TBs had seven fellows in the first eleven. The following were the elevens     T.Bs   Q.Ss In the 1st eleven J. B…