No. 172

The Athletic sports were held up fields on April 5 & 6. Competitors this year were allowed to wear different colours. The results were as follows. 300 yeards. Handicap. Over 16. Street Q.S.    Preece Q.S.   Winslow T.B. Time 35 ½ sec ———————————————– Throwing the cricker ball. Under 15. I    Sherring    58yds 1ft  Q.S.    Wallis T.B.…

No. 520

The Athletic Sports were held this year on Oct 11th & 12th amid truly English weather. 1st Day The weather having slightly moderated towards 12 o’clock Westminster assembled at Vincent Square & the Athletics commenced. Throwing the Cricket Call under 15. Won by Sherring who threw 68 yds odd. One Mile Hat Race. Won by…

No. 493

Our Athletic sports which were held on October 18 + 19 were chiefly remarkable for the success of R.T. Squire T.B Grant’s who won the Mile, Half Mile with Hurdles, Half Mile Handicap, Open 100 and got 2nd in the hurdles. R.H. Coke Q.S. won the jumps and the hurdles. G.E. Eden T.B. won the…

No. 456

The Athletic Sports First day. 1st Oct 1 o’clock Wednesday No. 1. Throwing Cricket ball – under 15. 1. Armitage 66 yds. 0ft. 10ins. 2. Fawcett. 60 yds. No. 2. Mile – open. Challenge cup. 1. Bury. 2. Forster. 3. Stephenson. 4. Brown. Time 5 min. 6 ¼ sec. Won by about ten yds, a good…

No. 454

The Athletic Sport Committee At a meeting last term, the following were elected on to this Committee. H.R. James (Ex officio) W.L. Benbow (Ex officio) R.T. Squire H.N. Robson W.W. Bury (Hon. Treas.) F.W. Bain (Hon. Sec.) R.C. Batley W.L. Benbow Prin opp.

No. 407

The Athletics came off on Wed: and Thurd: Oct: 15th and 16th; both days were exceptionally fine, though the first day was a little too cold. There was a very fair attendance of visitors, more especially on the second day. The Mile was won by Stephenson W – in 5.10 ¾. (This is the third…

No. 365

The Athletic Sports came off on Thursday & Friday, Oct. 17 & 18, & were very successful, no rain, mirabile dictu, falling on either day. The T.B.B., of course, took all the events under 15 – of the 16 events, Squire and Boyd were respectively 1st and second in both the quarter & hundred. In…

No. 157

The Athletics came off on Oct. 17th and 18th, the weather fortunately was fine & there were a good number of spectators – Vidal (R. S.) took the mile in 5. M. 14 S. being an improvement on last year by 6 secs; he also carried off most of the Challenge Cups. Mrs Scott gave…

No. 156

Some confusion having been caused by Scott’s rules about the distribution of prizes at the Athletics; which rules were made last year, at the request of the Committee he altered them & made the following:- No Boy to take more than two first prizes. Any Boy losing a first prize under this rule to claim…

No. 142

The Athletic Sports this year took place on Oct. 12 and 13. There were two Town Boys on the committee, O.S. Macleay (Grant’s) and W. L. Pemberton (Grant’s). The mile was won by Vidal (Q. S.) in 5.20. In the races open to all Birchett (Rigauds) was third for the mile, Noyes won the long…