No 134
At the Bartholomew-tide Holidays the Revd W.C. Totton resigned his situation as Usher, in consequence of having obtained the mastership of a school in Essex – J.R. Cornish Head Boarder
At the Bartholomew-tide Holidays the Revd W.C. Totton resigned his situation as Usher, in consequence of having obtained the mastership of a school in Essex – J.R. Cornish Head Boarder
On Tuesday Aug. 7 1832 the annual match between the TB and KS took place in Tothill Fields when the former were beaten with 2 wickets to do down. The following were the players T.B. Milman Tennyson Parkes Sealy Bromley Seaton Stevens Palmer Warren Barnett Sr Whittaker K.S. Randolph Webber Goodenough Charlton Hickson Hemery Farrer…
On Friday July 20 1832 The annual Cricket Match was played between the TB who had not played in the Grand Match and the Lamprobaticks, in which the latter were beaten with 3 wickets to go down. The following were the players T.B. Milman Sealy Bromley Seaton Hurst Stevens Smale Taunton Barnett Barnett Whittaker K.S.…
After the Whitsuntide Holidays this year Williamson made a regulation that names should be called over at the Fields at ½ past seven, and in Dean’s Yard ¼ before eight every evening to prevent fellows from going to the minor Theatres, one of which had recently been established in the Broad-way J.R. Cornish Head Boarder
On Tuesday evening, May 15: 1832, a rowing match took place between the four houses, Singleton’s having challenged all the others: the distance was from Battersea Bridge to Westminster, it was won after a closely contested race by Stelfox’s, their boat being about two boats’ lengths ahead of Singletons: Stikeman’s came in last. The names…
The subject for Dean’s Verse Prize this year was, “Universitas apud Corcyreos nuper instituta” J.R. Cornish Head Boarder
In consequence of the unusual severity of the season, and the prevalence of the Cholera Moribus in London, Williamson thought proper to put a stop to Ditch-Leaping both on the 1st and 17th of March by having names at the different Boarding-houses at 11 and 1 o’clock
The Cholera Morbus having made its appearance in Lambeth, and along the Banks of the Thames, Williamson gave notice to the fellows, that they would not be permitted to go on the water, till such time as he should give further order. J.R. Cornish Head Boarder
The Dean having received a most gracious communication from his Majesty expressive of his entire satisfaction at the arrangements made in the Abbey for the Coronation, was pleased to give us an extra week’s holiday this Xmas in token of his approbation of the conduct of the Westminsters during that ceremony – J.R. Cornish Head…