No. 395
Lawn Tennis has flourished still more prominently this term and scratch pairs were played for which there were more than 30 pairs entered. The winning pair was C.V. Wilks T.B. and G. Stephenson Q.S.
Lawn Tennis has flourished still more prominently this term and scratch pairs were played for which there were more than 30 pairs entered. The winning pair was C.V. Wilks T.B. and G. Stephenson Q.S.
Water The T.B. and Q.S. race was rowed on July 31 & was won by the T.B.B. by two lengths. The latter lost some distance by fouling a sailing boat off the Point. The race was rowed from Hammersmith to Putney. Q.S.S. T.B.B Bow. A.A. Bury °Bow. R.C. Batley 2. °G. Stephenson °2. R.T. Squire…
Cricket Nondescripts v. Westminster School June 21 Nondescripts – 156 W.F. Thompson 50. H.M. Mills 33. Westminster – 43 Lords & Commons v. Westminster School June 24 and C. 103. Hon S. Herbert 27. J. Round 26. Westminster 77. Boyd 29. W. Sandwith 23. Grey Friars v. Westminster School Westminster – 73. H.C.…
Water this year has taken a sudden start and we have rowed, and won, two “foreign” races. On July 16th we rowed a scratch eight, which was originally intended to be of Old Westminsters, but as only four O.W.s could be got together the other places were filled up as follows Bow. H. White 2.…
The annual election of Major candidates this year was To Oxford: To Cambridge: H.B. Cox, TB. E.P. Guest, QS. T.B. Strong, TB. W.G. Bell, TB. E.M. Eddis, QS. H. Marshall, QS. G. Dale, QS. The examiners were the Rev. H.L. Thompson, M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford, and J.M. Image, Esq., M.A., fellow of Trinity,…
The election of Minor Candidates this year was- W.C. Dale, R.H. Williams, H.W. Waterfield, O. Scoones, F.H. Janson, A.G.L. Rogers, W.L. Warren, S.H. Clarke*, C.T. Shebbeare*, M.R. Bethune*. Prae electi. G.V. Sampson, E.P. Sandwith. *Exhibitioners elected on the foundation.
The Exhibitions have been awarded this term to – C.C.J. Webb, S.H. Clarke, C.T. Shebbeare, M.R. Bethune, H.N. Crouch, F.G. Trevor, P.M. Francke, P. Druitt. Webb and Druitt are from the school. Clarke, Shebbeare & Bethune took advantage of the new regulations & were straight into College. William Bell Prin: Opp:
A lecture was given up School on the evening of Friday March 21st by W.R.S. Ralston, Esq., upon “Folk Lore”.
The Racquets this term were won, the wooden by C.V. Wilks T.B., who also won it last year, and the wire by H.C. Benbow, Q.S.
The annual school concert came off on Thursday, May 1st, and was very successful. The O.WW. who assisted were G. Gumbleton, E. Bray, and H. Troutbeck. William Bell Prin: Opp: