No. 134
The play for this term is Plautus Trinummus which will be performed on Dec 13th, 17th & 19th.
The play for this term is Plautus Trinummus which will be performed on Dec 13th, 17th & 19th.
The play this year was the Phormio: the cast was as follows Davos C. L. C. Aveling Geta C. S. W. Barwell Antipho H. T. Whitaker Phaedria H. C. Oliver Demipho H. J. Gully Phormio R. C. Olivier Hegio P. Williamson Cratinus H. L. Stephenson Crito A. H. Cumming Dorio R. C. A. Hamilton Chremes …
The play this years was the Adelphi & was performed on the 9th, 15th & 15th of December. The caste was as follows: Micio W. Buchanan Demea G. O. Roos Sannio R. R. Sandilands Aeschinus L. James Syrus C. S. W. Barwell Cteripho P. J. Preece Sostrata R. C. Olivier B.M. Canthara B. M. Goldeir…
The T. B. B. in Vith for Play Term 1886 J. I. Stirling Prinn. Opp. Rigauds C. Erskine T. B. B. Monitors Grants P. C. Probyn Rigauds S. C. Woodhurse Asburnham C. H. Marsh Rigauds D. S. H. J. Lewis Home Boarders S. Liberty Home Boarders F. G. Miller Rigauds J.…
On Friday November 19th we had a late play given us at the request of Lord Richard Grosvenor (O.W.) M.P. for Flintshire who has just been appointed Treasury Secretary. His lordship was unfortunately unable to be present.
*This rule or at least a similar one had been made in 1862 (vide Entry No. 30) but it had been broken once or twice since. H.J. Roberts In consequence of a T.B having been tanned in College without the consent of the head T.B. Scott has given the following rule “That the Captain &…
March 21st H: R: H: Princess Louise was married to the Marquis of Lorne: of course a holiday was expected, for it is not every day that a Princess is wedded, and still more rarely is royal blood united with a subject: however no holiday or part of a holiday was forthcoming though Eton celebrated…
The first of March this year on a Saturday. The lunch fellows as usual survived this “tips” and we had an Early Play. W. Winters Prin. Opp.
On Sat. Oct. 25 we had an early play in honour of Mr Weare’s newly arrived daughter. This is Weare’s second daughter; the first died & we had therefore an early play; his second child is I am happy to say doing well. A.F. Pope Prin. Opp.
We had our early play for the Westminster dinner on Saturday June 7th. A.F. Pope Pr. Opp