No. 191

There are at present (Christmas half) 6 Town Boys in the VIth. E. G. B Phillimore (Grant’s) T.B. Monitors. E. M. Rodocanachi (H.B. Rigaud’s) T.B. Monitors. F. L. Denman (H.B. Rigaud’s) T.B. Monitors. M. M. Rodocanachi (H.B. Rigaud’s)   L. S. Bristowe (H.B)   H. M. C. McPherson (H.B)     The Ireland was got…

No. 189

The T.B & Q.S cricket match was played up fields on Monday, August 4th & to the surprise of all ended in a victory for the Q.S by 5 wickets, the TBs had seven fellows in the first eleven. The following were the elevens     T.Bs   Q.Ss In the 1st eleven J. B…

No. 187

On the 23rd of July we played Charterhouse at Vincent Square. They went in first & only obtained 60 runs, Rawson’s bowling proving very effective. We then “handled the willow” & scored 135, of which Alington Q.S obtained 43 in first rate style. Charterhouse in their second innings reached 58, so we won the match…

No. 186

This morning, Monday 21st July /73., Otter (Captain) told me that there was a matter which must be decided by the Council of M & accordingly Phillimore, Rodocanachi & myself went into College where the meeting was held. It appeared that on Saturday a QS had left his gown on Grant’s steps & it was…

No. 185

In consequence of the numerous fogs which hang about Vincent Square in the autumn & winter, the ground is being raised 3ft or more all over so as to make it level with the road, the work is more than half-completed now, & will ultimately be a great advantage though it will take a year…

No. 183

There are 6 TBs in the Sixth this term, H.J. Roberts. (Grants) E.G. Phillimore. (Grants) M. Rodocanachi (H.B. Rigauds) E. Rodocanachi (H.B. Rigauds) H. M. C McPherson (Home Boarder) L .S. Bristowe (“”)   Scott announced up school that he has determined to make three T.B monitors & nominated myself, Phillimore & E. Rodocanachi, of…

No. 182

After numerous “meetings of masters” Scott has issued the following Rules for Discipline” The only Boys entrusted with authority for general school purposes shall be the Captain, Three Monitors & Three Town Boy Monitors, who shall form a council to take cognizance of offences against morality & the discipline of the School. Seniors & Town…