No. 182

After numerous “meetings of masters” Scott has issued the following Rules for Discipline”

  1. The only Boys entrusted with authority for general school purposes shall be the Captain, Three Monitors & Three Town Boy Monitors, who shall form a council to take cognizance of offences against morality & the discipline of the School.
  2. Seniors & Town Boys in the Sixth Form, provided they be over 16 years of age, shall hold a subordinate authority, & shall report offences to the council or Head Boy, but shall not be authorised themselves to inflict corporal punishment.
  3. The Town Boy Monitors shall be appointed from time to time by the Head Master in school, being always chosen from Boys in the VIth Form & as far as possible in different houses.
  4. The Head Boy of each Boarding House & of the Home Boarders, on the nomination of the House Master, shall receive authority to deal with offences arising within the House.
  5. All Boys invested with authority shall sign their names in the Head-Master’s Book.
  6. No authority can be delegated from one boy to another under any circumstances, but in the absence of any regularly appointed authority, the Head Boy present is bound to maintain order & discipline, & to report grave offences to the Captain or Head Boy.
  7. All such offences shall be submitted to the council of Monitors of which the Captain shall be President. & this council shall deliberate in private, no others being present except the accused & witnesses if required.
  8. All questions shall be decided by a majority of the council, nor shall any corporal punishment be used without the consent of a majority of the whole Body, one at least of such majority being a Town Boy.
  9. In the case of offences arising within College or a Boarding House no punishment shall be inflicted without a court of all Boys who may be invested in authority in those places respectively, previously holden to decide upon the case.
  10. No Boy shall be judge in his own cause, nor himself inflict corporal punishment where the offence is personal against himself.
  11. No Town Boy shall be sent for into College, nor Queen’s Scholar out of College for purposes of discipline.
  12. No corporal punishment shall be used without clear proof of the guilt of the offender, nor upon such grounds as that an offence must have been committed by one or more of a certain number; for in any case, except for grave moral offences; such as falsehood, dishonesty, impurity, profanity, bulling, resorting to public houses or other improper places, drinking, contumacious defiance of authority, or wilful breach of rules after warning given.
  13. No instrument of punishment shall be used other than a cane or light stick – not shall more than six cuts be given in any instance.
  14. In every case the offender shall, if he claim it, be allowed the option before being punished in any way of having the matter laid by the Captain or Head Boy before the Head Master or in College or House questions before the Master in charge: & the Master shall then deal
  15. The right to fag is vested in such Boys of the VIth Form & Shell as may be above 16 years of age. Boys in the Upper Vth may not fag, nor are they liable to be fagged. All below the Upper Vth are liable to be fagged. No boy in the Eleven at Cricket has any right to fag on that account, unless to pick up balls for him on the ground, up fields.

H.J. Roberts

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