No. 195
Towards the end of this half 1 very mild case of Scarlet tina broke out up Grants. The greatest precautions however, being taken against its spreading, there were no other cases.
Towards the end of this half 1 very mild case of Scarlet tina broke out up Grants. The greatest precautions however, being taken against its spreading, there were no other cases.
Scott the other day spoke to the monitors. It was resolved that any fellow in the cricket or foot ball elevens or in the rowing eight, provided he were over 16, could not be tanned; nor could any fellow in the Shell – these rules tho’ not (I think) written down before as such, have…
Scott has now made a rule that now the winter is coming on, any fellow may wear a blue cap. This being the former colour of the 22 cap, their colour is now changed to pink & white. Egerton G B Phillimore. Prin. Opp. Oct. 1873
The Athletics took place on Oct 15 & 16. The weather was altogether very good, though there was a little rain on the first day. The Mile was won by Otter in 5.24 2/5 secs. He also won the Challenge Hammer with a throw of 75 yds. Reid (T.B) won the 2nd prize (74 feet),…
There are at present (Christmas half) 6 Town Boys in the VIth. E. G. B Phillimore (Grant’s) T.B. Monitors. E. M. Rodocanachi (H.B. Rigaud’s) T.B. Monitors. F. L. Denman (H.B. Rigaud’s) T.B. Monitors. M. M. Rodocanachi (H.B. Rigaud’s) L. S. Bristowe (H.B) H. M. C. McPherson (H.B) The Ireland was got…
On Saturday, October 11th, Scott, after some days’ consideration, finally appointed Denman (H.B. Grant’s) to the post of 3rd T.B. Monitor, rendered vacant by Roberts’ leaving. Egerton G B Phillimore. Prin. Opp.
The T.B & Q.S cricket match was played up fields on Monday, August 4th & to the surprise of all ended in a victory for the Q.S by 5 wickets, the TBs had seven fellows in the first eleven. The following were the elevens T.Bs Q.Ss In the 1st eleven J. B…
The T.B. & Q.S eightoared race took place last Wednesday (30th July) & resulted in a victory for the T.Bs by two lengths.
On the 23rd of July we played Charterhouse at Vincent Square. They went in first & only obtained 60 runs, Rawson’s bowling proving very effective. We then “handled the willow” & scored 135, of which Alington Q.S obtained 43 in first rate style. Charterhouse in their second innings reached 58, so we won the match…
This morning, Monday 21st July /73., Otter (Captain) told me that there was a matter which must be decided by the Council of M & accordingly Phillimore, Rodocanachi & myself went into College where the meeting was held. It appeared that on Saturday a QS had left his gown on Grant’s steps & it was…