No. 139

The T.B. and QS match resulted again this year in a victory for the QS in the first innings. Q. S. T. B. 1.       H. E. Rawson 1. R. M. Curteis. capt 2.       Dyce 2. Jackson 3.       Gilbertson 3. Saunders 4.       W. S. Rawson 4. Trollope 5.       Northcote 5. Pemberton 6.       Stephenson 6. Noyes, C.…

No. 128

The Town boy and Queen Scholar match this year resulted in a victory for the QSS. The Elevens were Q. S. T. B. Barron                                          (captains) Curteis Wakley Pemberton Wace Shackle Dixon Saunders Vidal Noyes Northcote Bedford Rawson, H. G. Bailey Rawson, H. E. Jackson Rawson, W. S. Gadsden Saunders Worsley Randolph Noyes

No. 127

Some complaint having been made by the Masters at the Boarding Houses of the T. B.’s having to wear their hats on the way to and from fields, the following rule was promulgated by the Head Master:- “That all Town Boys in any Eleven or Twenty-two at Cricket shall be allowed to wear their proper…

No. 113

Aug. 3rd the T. B. & Q.S. cricket match was played resulting in favour of the Q. S. though the T. B. eleven played very pluckily. Q. S. T. B. Northcote, E. A.                    (captains) Cuteis, H. Saunders, F. N. Lee, G. H. O’Brien, F. A. Curteis, R. N. Eddis, B. U. Basham Barron, H. Rawson,…

No. 111

The Cricket Eleven this summer was composed as follows:- Northcote, E. A. (captain). Q.S. Bray, E.      Q. S. Curteis, H.           T. B. Saunders, F. N.                  Q. S. O’Brien, F. A.                      Q. S. Eddis, B. U.                         Q. S. Barron, H.                            Q. S. Curteis, R. M.                     T. B. Haden, F. S.                        Q. S. Basham,                               T. B.…

No. 98

The T.B. + Q.S. cricket match was this year won by the Q. S. who had much the best eleven, though the Town Boys, especially Lee played very well. Q. S. Bray (captain) Northcote, E. Saunders. O’Brien. Eddis. Barron. Neale. Lefroy. Giles. Randolphe, E. Williams.   T. B. Curteis (captain) Lee. Curteis, R. Eastwick. Neill,…

The T. B. + Q.S cricket match was played on the 6th of August as the first day was wet, + was won by the T. B. by 4 wickets. Worthcote Q. S. won the wickets + Carters T. B. the ball. The Q. S. scored 125 + 91, + the T. B. 159 +…

No. 76

The Town boys won the TB & QS Cricket Match by in one innings, and a few runs – The dinner was in the middle of the day and not after the match as we were obliged to finish it on that day. S F Lucas         Prin. Opp.