No. 553
Cricket The following was the result of the matches this year. Runs for Agst July 21 Masters 44 72 & 76 for 5 w. Lost by 28. Higgins 19. July 7 Nondescripts 89 & 52 67 & 80 Won on 1st innings by 22. Higgins 14 & 28. A. Armitage 17…
Cricket The following was the result of the matches this year. Runs for Agst July 21 Masters 44 72 & 76 for 5 w. Lost by 28. Higgins 19. July 7 Nondescripts 89 & 52 67 & 80 Won on 1st innings by 22. Higgins 14 & 28. A. Armitage 17…
T.BB Q.SS. This was rowed on Aug 4th and T.BB. who were favourites were beaten by 1 length + a half. T.BB Q.SS Bow H.W. Smyth (Grant’s) Bow P.M. Francke 2. V.H. James (Grant’) 2. J.A. Brookes 3. G.E. Jackson (Grant’s) 3. A.N. Crouch 4. J. Salwey (Grant’s) 4. C.A. Sherring 5. W.S. Davis (Grant’s)…
At water Scoones was Head and got together a very fair four to take down to Henley, where we won the first heat but were beaten in the final, The results of the other races were- Scratch fours V.H. James P.M. Francke Q.S. J. Watt Q.S. G. Berens (st.) Cox: H. Wilkins…
The new Head Master appointed is the Revd. William Gunion Rutherford, assistant Master at St. Paul’s, Fellow of Univ: Coll: Oxon: a great Greek Scholar.
At the beginning of the term Dr Scott announced his intention of resigning the Headmastership. Everyone, I think, agrees that is a terrible blow to the School. He has held his post for 25 years and in that time has been most deservedly popular. As soon as he resigned, a fund was started to raise…
I regret to have to say that this term Mr. W.R. Borill, the Bursar, left us. He had always been a most energetic and patriotic OW.
Summer Term 1883 F.T. Higgins who was this term Head Town Boy and Captain of the Cricket XI had not time to fill up the ledger. The duty then fell to A.M.J. Jackson, at whose request I am filling up this ledger.
The results of Election this year were to Oxford O. Scoones R.H. Williams F.T. Higgins to Cambridge H.W. Waterfield Triplett G. Hewitt Triplett To H.C. Pryce was awarded a Triplett gratuity of £50 to Oxford G. Hewitt P.O.
The Silver Racquet was won this year by W.G. Hewitt, the final tie being between H. Ingram & him. The Woodens were won by A.S. Stanfield, the final being between him & F.T. Higgins.
The Annual School Concert took play place on April 26th on the whole being a success.