No. 549

At the beginning of the term Dr Scott announced his intention of resigning the Headmastership. Everyone, I think, agrees that is a terrible blow to the School. He has held his post for 25 years and in that time has been most deservedly popular. As soon as he resigned, a fund was started to raise a testimonial. An influential Committee was formed, and a public meeting was held in College Hall on June 13th, with Sir Watkin Wynne in the chair for this object. The sum of £ [margin annotation: ‘about £900 A.M.T.G.] was collected and with the a piece of magnificent silver was bought at the rest went to found a School Library, at Dr. Scott’s special request. On July 31st a great meeting was held up School to present the plate, and a silver bowl & salver present by the School. Speeches were made by Sir W. Wynn, Webb (Captain Q.S.S), Canon Bull, Ld. R. Grosvenor, and Dr. Scott, who seemed greatly affected.

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