No 34*

A most serious and distressing accident happened here early on the morning of Monday ___ (1821); when it was discovered that Henry Joshua Rowley nephew of Sir W. Rowley had fallen from the top storey of Stelfox’s into the area below. He was immediately taken up insensible in a most shocking mutilated state, & tho’…

No 34

A melancholy accident having occurred in the death of L.J Parry a boy of the fifth form, in consequence of his having over eaten himself in a frolic in which he was engaged with others in the hall, at Miss Bests, it seemed fit to Dr Goodenough to forbid anything like broshiering for the future;…

No 33

The list of the Sixth Form at Christmas 1820 stands as follows W. Allfrey W. Heberden J. Jekyll H. Hull G. Mansell, R. Bonnor J. Harrison J. Dixon Ld Pelham A. Carr J. L. Freer C. J. Bigge H. Goring Chilver A. Morgan Mc Leod A. Philpott R. Ombler W. Tooke G. Thornley W. Keppel…

No 32

The sixth dinner having last year been carried on so openly as to render it in the Dr’s opinion, impossible to be winked at any longer, he laid down his strict prohibition upon it. And in consequence of the threat of expulsion which he held out to anybody and all that should be engaged in…

No 31

On Tuesday the 1st of August 1820 the annual Cricket match between the Town Boys and King Scholars was commenced; but owing to the good play of both parties, the King Scholars second innings was deferred (there not being time to finish it the same day) till the following Thursday when it was played out…

No 30

On Friday the 24th of March 1820 a silver cup was presented to the Revd Edward Smedley by the Sixth and Shell Townboys as a token of their Respect and Regard for him who had for so many years discharged the office of Usher at Westminster and had by his kindness gained the good will…

No 29

On Wednesday the 26th of January 1820 Mr Edward Murray filled up the vacancy as an Usher of Westminster occasioned by the resignation of the Revd E Smedley, who for upwards of forty years had discharged that office, with care and attention, and owing to his advanced years had withdrawn himself from that situation at…

No 28

The following is a list of sixth form as at Christmas 1819   Charles Floyer Henry Heberden Richard Williamson Robert Burton William Alfrey Roper Tyler Benjamin Hall Richard Berens Thomas Wyld William Williamson Joseph Jekyll Frederick Grant Antony Lechmere William Heberden Junr William London Henry Hull George Kaye George Mansell Richard Bonnor John Harrison John…

No 27

The annual Sixth Dinner was held on the 4th of December at Willis’ Rooms in St. James’ Street. It was served up in a most superior style, and the utmost conviviality prevailed till nine o’clock, when the Meeting broke up. C. Floyer President, B. Hall Vice-President. Chs. Floyer. Princeps Oppidanus