No 109

A great number of fellows being out of school with the scarlet fever, and one of the name of Russell having died in consequence of it, it was thought prudent by Williamson, after a consultation with the medical attendants, to break up school for six weeks, and consequently a fortnight was taken off the Whitsuntide…

No 108*

It must be remarked that this was changed again by Williamson in 1832 when the Revd WC Totton resigned the place of usher, and the Under and Upper Shell were again joined under one Usher and the other forms again sat in their proper places. Added Dec 13th 1832 by Rob Hy Hurst H.B.

No 108

This year Williamson, in order to make a more equal distribution of the forms among the ushers, placed the lower division of the shell sole under the usher of the fifth form, appointing the other ushers to the remaining forms, and thus placing the fourth form below the bar. J.T. Ludlow H.B.

No 107

The following is a list of the Sixth at Christmas, 1829 – Frere  * Frere  * White  * Ludlow Coote  * Milman  * Blackall R. Colborne Clinton  * Harrison Osborn Gage Greensill  * Jones Renaud Capes Borradaile Wingfield Cornish Milman  * Templer Lascelles  * (22) J.T. Ludlow H.B. Those marked with an asterisk are Home…

No 106

There was a Sixth dinner this year, held at Gingers (late Needhams, Bridge St.) to which the Home-Boarders as usual were invited.  It was served up in excellent style, and the utmost conviviality prevailed.  J.T. Ludlow, President,  C. Frere Home Boarder, Vice President. J.T. Ludlow H.B.

No 105

This year Williamson instituted an examination on paper of both T.B. and K.S. to take place half yearly in the Museum, in the work done in the form the preceding half year; and according to the answers given, altering the respective places of each T.B. J.T. Ludlow H.B. Note. This Williamson has now increased, so…

No 104

On Tuesday the 20th of July the annual Cricket Match was played between the T.B. and K.S. which was won by the latter by 172 runs. The following were the Players Town Boys Williams Bainbridge Borradaile Markham Jesson Cubitt Keating Marten Senr Robinson Marten Junr Moore R. Colborne Scorer King’s Scholars Mayne Wrottesly Day Smith…

No 103

Williamson, having learnt from Preston that some of the K.S. came back from Putney, after the race, quite drunk, thought proper to punish two of the worst; namely, Hussey and Croke; the former of whom he put down in his election and gave the latter the choice either of being flogged or expelled; but he…

No 102

On the reception of a letter from the Etonians (their holydays having commenced) challenging us to row them at Sunbury; we returned an answer to this purpose that we should be very happy to row them any distance within reach of Westminster; but that it would be quite impossible for us to go to the…

No 101

On Friday the 26th of June, the annual Cricket Match was played between the Townboys who had not played in the grand match, and the Lamprobaticks, which was won by the former by 32 Runs.  The following were the players – Williams R. Colborne Keating Dean Robinson Moore Turner Marten Junr Saville Templer Palmer JH…