No 100

Tho’ Ditch Leaping was prohibited by Goodenough last year, it was carried into effect as usual on the 1st and 17th of March (1829) the 1st the weather was so very severe that only five went, but on 17th a larger field assembled tho’ still few in number from the number out of school with…

No 99

It is intended henceforward that no King Scholar should stay over the election, it is declared that interest is to have no effect, that it is to be decided by merit alone, and that every one is to have an equal chance whether that will be the case is to be seen hereafter. E.H. Greathed…

No 98

A Library of useful and entertaining books was set on foot by Williamson a little before Xmas it was begun by voluntary subscription, and is intended to be kept up by a regular charge of one guinea upon every new comer in every boarding house, whether it will eventually prove any use, is at best…

No 97

This Christmas Williamson introduced some new regulations as regarded removes such as introducing Ciphering, and Grecian and Roman History into the examinations for the Upper Shell and Sixth, it is to be hoped that these changes in the routine of School subjects will have their due influences on the minds of the public in general…

No 96

The Rt. Honble Charles William Wynne having again given a writership to be contended for by any fellow in the Sixth who wished to enter the lists, the examination took place on Monday Feby 2nd 1829 and lasted till 5 o’clock on Tuesday.  The names of the candidates were Frere, Greensill T.B. but Home Boarder…

No 95

The following is a list of the Sixth as it stood at Christmas 1828 Frere  * Rickman Greathed Dickinson C. White  * C. Frere  * Jesson Sir J. H. Preston Bart Ley Williams Ludlow J. Frere  * Coote Ridley Colborne Wood Osborne Gage Harrison Greensill  * (18) E.H. Greathed H.B. Those marked with an asterisk…

No 94

On the 23rd of September 1828, The Rev Richard Williamson succeeded to the situation of Head Master, on the resignation of The Rev Dr Goodenough.  The Rev R. Williamson was a fellow of Trinity College Cambridge, and formerly a Town-boy. William Charles Rickman Head Boarder

No 92

On the 5th of August the annual match was played between the TB. and KS. Which was won by the latter with 10 wickets to go down. The following were the players Town Boys Kemble Jesson Greathed Bainbridge Marten Markham Adams Pilleau Borradaile Wood Milman King Scholars Wrottesley Mayne Day Barnes Biscoe Snell Hussey Sutherland…

No 91

On the 12th of July the second annual match was played between 11 of the old Westminster Club and 11 of the present TB and KS which was won by the former with 6 wickets to go down.  The following were the players Old Westminsters Knyvett Allfrey Loftus Smale Berens Tattersall Sir Jno Paul C.…