No 200

This year an alphabetical match was played at the fields between the fellows whose names began with the letters A to K and those from L to Z. The first half won the match vide Cricket Ledger. Somerton H.B.

No 199

Williamson having discovered that in the sculling match just mentioned the fellows had all rowed in boats which were not Robert’s immediately sent for the Captain (Richards) and for Somerton (Head of the TB) and told them that he was willing to forget what had happened if they would pledge themselves on the part of…

No 198

A sculling match took place between the 5 following T.B. and K.S. from Vauxhall to Putney they came in as follows 1. Somerton 2. Pollock Senr 3. Tritton 4. Merewether Senr 5. Turner Vide the Water Ledger Somerton H.B.

No 196

This year a rowing match took place at Datchett, between Westminster and Eton, in which Westminster won, beating the Etonians easily, for full particularly of this match see the Water Ledger No. _ Somerton H.B.

No 194

The T.B. having made up their crew with the Home boarders determined on hiring a boat of Serle for the season which was accordingly done, the “Haidee” formerly the “Queen Bess” of Trinity Cambridge was hired for £20-0-0 Somerton H.B.

No 193

At 3 meetings of the sixth held on the 6th, 7th and 8th days of March 1837 the following paper was agreed to and signed by the Heads of the T.B. and H.B. boats. It being absolutely necessary, in consequence of the low state of the school to resort to this method of keeping up…

No 192

It was thought best on account of the very few boarders in the sixth and for several other reasons, to stop the usual practice of having a 6th dinner this year, which should have been held on the second play night.  It is to be hoped however that this custom may at some future day…

No 191*

After the second play Williamson sent for Hotham and told him that he understood that he had requested Mr Hudson to ask his Majesty to give us an extra week’s holydays, at the same time that his attendance at the play was requested, and as the King has accordingly desired that an extra week might…