No 128

In consequence of the unusual severity of the season, and the prevalence of the Cholera Moribus in London, Williamson thought proper to put a stop to Ditch-Leaping both on the 1st and 17th of March by having names at the different Boarding-houses at 11 and 1 o’clock

No 127

The Cholera Morbus having made its appearance in Lambeth, and along the Banks of the Thames, Williamson gave notice to the fellows, that they would not be permitted to go on the water, till such time as he should give further order. J.R. Cornish Head Boarder

No 126

The Dean having received a most gracious communication from his Majesty expressive of his entire satisfaction at the arrangements made in the Abbey for the Coronation, was pleased to give us an extra week’s holiday this Xmas in token of his approbation of the conduct of the Westminsters during that ceremony – J.R. Cornish Head…

No 125

The list of the sixth at Christmas (1831) was as follows A. Borradaile * C.F. Clinton T. Blackall R. Milman W. F. Wingfield R. T. Cornish T.F. Stooks T.C. Templer * C. Tennyson T.W. Ranker * A. Stikeman W.A. Chapman T. Clerk E.M. Sealy T. Parkes T.S. Cocks T. Harrison *Frere * T. Lennard *…

No 124

This year Williamson endeavoured to put a stop to the sixth dinner by a threat of severely punishing all who attended it.  It was nevertheless carried into execution and was held at Ginger’s hotel in Bridge Street.  Homeboarders as usual were invited.  The dinner was served up in a manner to give universal satisfaction at…

No 123

The Coronation Sept. 8th 1831 At this Coronation as at the last seats were assigned to the whole School Townboys as well as King-Scholars to witness the ceremony. Those allotted to us were separate from the KS and close to the Peers seats in the south transept; in full view of the thrones though not…

No 122

On Thursday July 21st (1831) the annual match between the TB and KS took place in Tothill fields when the latter were beaten with 7 wickets to go down. The following were the players TB Borradaile Milman Moore Marten Warren Templer Palmer Blackall Pearson Stikeman Savile KS Tattersall Carrow Hemery Randolph Sr Randlph Jr Webber…

No 121

On Friday the 15th of July the annual match was played between the TB who had not played in the Grand Match and the Lamprobaticks in which the former were beaten single handed by 32 runs. The following were the players T.B. Ridley Colborne Vance Templer Stikeman Palmer Parker Lamb Barnet Lavile Pearson Jnr Milman…

No 120

On the 15th of July (1831) the 5th annual match was played between 11 of the Old Westminster club and eleven of the TB and KS then at Westminster which was won by the former by 16 runs. The following is the list of the Westminsters who played. Borradaile Milman Moore C. Marten Warren Palmer…