No. 532

At the beginning of term one of our fellows seems to have kicked a small skye(?) on his way down fields, from the awful effects of which the latter fell into a speedy decline being in the graphic language of his mother “all drooped o’ one side”. This mother therefore called a witness, aged somewhere about 5, to point out to her the kicker as he left Vincent Square. The two fellows who came first out of the Square on the day happened to be Beames and James both Grantites. The witness pointed out James first but being thrown into doubt by some questions pointed out Beames instead. Beames denied it & fled down to Westminster with the angry mother & infant witness after him. Beames being closely pursued up Grants Mr Jones asked the “good woman” what she wanted which seems to have been money out of somebody & Beames in particularly. But as everybody denied the kicking, the woman had to go.

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