No. 532

At the beginning of term one of our fellows seems to have kicked a small skye(?) on his way down fields, from the awful effects of which the latter fell into a speedy decline being in the graphic language of his mother “all drooped o’ one side”. This mother therefore called a witness, aged somewhere…

No 387

In consequence of the TB & QS boats being continually annoyed by scis throwing stones from the shore – a policeman was set to watch where upon some of the offenders were taken before the magistrates & punished. It is to be hoped that the boats for the future will be free from further annoyance…

No 320

Another case of cold water cure happened about this time a ’sci having been seen to lend a boat the green and cut[t]er it was seen by a 4th Town boy to come out with something in his hand which afterwards turned out to be a pair of shoes belonging to one of the senior…

No 300

On Octr 31st 1844 during the time usually occupied in playing at Football the Ball having bounded repeatedly over the railings of the Green, was at last detained by the assembled ‘scis without; nor was until some sharp blows had been given & received that the Ball was again forcibly restored. After the game was…