The Eleven has begun to improve this year and has at last won 2 matches. The first against the Guards and the 2nd against the I Zingari. The following was the Westminster Eleven –
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1st 2nd
R.D. Balfour 12 2
E.B. Henderson 7 2
H.E. Bull T.B. 19 6
T.D. O’Brien 1 0
W.H. Oliver T.B. 10 14
C.W.S. Stanhope 2 0
J.F. Pratt 2 0
A.H. Harrison 0 1
G. Upperton 6 11
L.J. Swake 1 3
C.M. Barker 3 2
A. Walker O.W. 1 3
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx – –
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 77 68
The I Zingari got 140 within the two games.
J.C. Hawkeshaw
Pr. Opp.