No 552

This year owing to the abominable state of the river the Water was put a stop to down below Putney not even the eight being allowed to go on. We (the eight) however managed to get leave to go to Putney and Scott let us have school at ¼ to 3 and come out at ¼ to 5 in order to catch the train at 5 ¼ from Waterloo but as this did not stop at Putney we had to walk from Wandsworth so that in the end we got a great deal more walking than rowing. At last however we found a train which stopped at Putney and by this means we managed to get about an hours row. The only way to keep up the rowing at Westminster which the river continues in this state will be to begin early in the year before it has begun to swell. On Wednesdays and all other holy days I have got leave for as many fours as possible to go to Putney to try if possible to keep up the rowing among the small boys: there are an innumerable number of T.B’s on the Water this half.

J.C. Hawkshaw

Pr. Opp.

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