No 551
The Eleven has begun to improve this year and has at last won 2 matches. The first against the Guards and the 2nd against the I Zingari. The following was the Westminster Eleven – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1st 2nd…
The Eleven has begun to improve this year and has at last won 2 matches. The first against the Guards and the 2nd against the I Zingari. The following was the Westminster Eleven – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1st 2nd…
On Wednesday (June 25th /51) Liddell gave us an early play for the match between our eleven & I. Zingari – for particulars see Cricket Ledger. J Murray Prin. Opp.
On the 3rd of July a cricket match took place between our Eleven & the I. Zingari in which the latter won by upwards of eighty runs – (for particular see cricket ledg.) W.C. Macready Prin. Opp.
* The eleven elated with their success in the last cricket match accepted a challenge from the I Zingarees (and the school an early play for the match from Lord Paget) The I Zingarees beat us easily – for particulars see cricket ledger. The match took place on the fourth of July. *After this match…