No. 10
We are sorry to record the death of Mr Martin, the school bookmaker who died on Feb 5., after having served Westminster for 54 years.
We are sorry to record the death of Mr Martin, the school bookmaker who died on Feb 5., after having served Westminster for 54 years.
It is with deep regret that I have to record the death of Francis Fuller James son of the Rev. Benj. Fuller James late House master of Rigauds which took place at Hungershall Park Tunbridge Wells on Feb 11. He entered the school in 1877 and left in 1882. He took a 2nd in Mods:…
The Venerable John Jennings, M.A. Archdeacon of Westminster died at Easter this year.
We are sorry to record the death of William Ritchie, who died on Sat: the 4th of October from Tetanus caused by a fall from a bicycle. He was a member of the Eight, & of the Football Eleven. He entered the school in June 1874.
To the great grief of all connected with Westminster, Lady Augusta Stanley, after a very long and tedious illness, died at the deanery on the evening of March . She was buried in Henry VII chapel at the express request of the Queen. Her funeral took place on Thursday March 9th, the Rev. Lord…
A sad calamity fell upon us yesterday (Wednesday 20th Nov 1872). J. Harvey a TB in the Upper Shell up Rigauds incautiously played in the football match v the Norwood club last Saturday, having at the time an absess on his right elbow, after the match he showed no sign of pain & attended Abbey…
On the 8th of September 1841 George Preston (who had been under Master for many years as well as usher) died suddenly! He was succeeded by the Revd T.W. Weare of Ch. Ch. Oxford who was elected from Westminster about 11 9 years before. A neat tablet was put up in the Cloisters by permission…