No. 249

School v. Incogniti In this match we unfortunately suffered a most hollow defeat, as our opponents bought down a very strong team against us. The school succeeded in scoring 116 but the Incogniti reached 318. For us Fox scored 42 and Alington 28, and for our opponents C.H. Ross scored 126, E.H. Stratford 64 (not…

No. 221

Eleven. V. Twenty Two This match, the first of the season was commenced before Whitsuntide and not ended till the following half. It ended in a victory for the Eleven by ten wickets. Eleven. V. next nine with Mantle and Holmes This resulted in a second victory for the Eleven by one innings and 15…

No. 189

The T.B & Q.S cricket match was played up fields on Monday, August 4th & to the surprise of all ended in a victory for the Q.S by 5 wickets, the TBs had seven fellows in the first eleven. The following were the elevens     T.Bs   Q.Ss In the 1st eleven J. B…

No. 187

On the 23rd of July we played Charterhouse at Vincent Square. They went in first & only obtained 60 runs, Rawson’s bowling proving very effective. We then “handled the willow” & scored 135, of which Alington Q.S obtained 43 in first rate style. Charterhouse in their second innings reached 58, so we won the match…

No. 185

In consequence of the numerous fogs which hang about Vincent Square in the autumn & winter, the ground is being raised 3ft or more all over so as to make it level with the road, the work is more than half-completed now, & will ultimately be a great advantage though it will take a year…

No. 172

There was no Charterhouse match this year on account of that school being moved to Godalming, so instead we played the M.C.C at Lords & were beaten in the first innings by over 200 runs. The disgraceful conduct of some of the younger townboys present at this match must not be passed over without mention.…

No. 171

The T.B & Q.S cricket match took place last half at Vincent Square, when the former won by 9 wickets. Dury got the townboy score with 45 runs. Rawson got the Q.S score with runs. The following is a list of the elevens. T.B.                                                                                            Q.S. H. S. Jackson W. S. Rawson C. P. McKeand F.…

No. 152

The T. B. and Q. S. match this year was decided by the first innings in favour of the Q. S. there was no time for the second inning to be finished as McKeand (C. P.) made 84 for the Town Boys or the result might have been different. Trollope (T. B.) got ‘the ball’,…

No. 151

On Wednesday July 19th there was a whole holiday (with the exception of school fr. 8-9) for the ‘Busby dinner’ &c Charter House match, which was played at Lords & which resulted in an easy victory for the Westminsters. On the account of last years match the total absence of old Westminsters is mentioned but…