No. 8

The Glee Club gave its fifth concert on Feb 17. The 3rd scene of the 3rd act of Much Ado about nothing, & a violin solo from Mr Troutbeck were the most noticeable features of the entertainment. The 6th concert was held on Mar 18, the greater part of which was taken up by scenes…

No. 6

Football Sat. Jan. 24 v. Old Malvernians – Lost (0-1) Wed. Jan. 28 v. Clapham Rovers – Won (1-0) Sat. Jan. 31 v. Reigate Priory – Lost (0-2) Wed. Feb. 4 v. Casuals – Lost (0-2) Wed. Feb. 11 v. Old Carthusians – Won (1-0) Sat. Feb. 14 v. Old Harrovians – Won (1-0) Lost…

No. 5

It is with deep regret that I have to record the death of Francis Fuller James son of the Rev. Benj. Fuller James late House master of Rigauds which took place at Hungershall Park Tunbridge Wells on Feb 11. He entered the school in 1877 and left in 1882. He took a 2nd in Mods:…

No. 4

Truly Westminster of the past is no more. Even the pancake is virtually abolished. Rutherford has dared to substitute for the good old Greeze a wretched tip of his own, a mere baby-play. He ordered each form to elect a representative who should be permitted to try for the pancake. Thus we had about a…

No. 2

Gibson and Harrison were elected upon the Athletic Committee. This is the first year of the new arrangement about the sports which will be held on Friday and Saturday the 10 & 11 April. The Headmaster with his usual meanness refused the usual holidays.

No. 1

The VI Class-room was chang-ed from the old library ‘up school’ to a new room built at the bottom of the schoolroom and fitted up with separate desks for each fellow; on the model of S. Pauls!! On the departure of Revd B.F. James who for so long had been one of the most patriotic…

Volume 3, January 1885

Town Boys in the VI E.F. Allan (Monitor)         Rigauds A.I. Pryce                             Grants E.A. Webber                       Homeboarder C. Bompas                           Grants J.I. Stirling                            Rigauds J. Salwey                              Grants R. Towers                            Homeboarders