No 509

The following were the numbers of the school before Whitsuntide 1855: Grants (R.J. Marshall) 37 Rigaud’s (R.B. James) 23 Scott’s (Lloyd) 7 & the rest homeboarders making in all 93 Town Boys. The following were the numbers before Whitsuntide 1856. Grants (Rev. J. Marshall’s) 36 Rigauds (Rev. B. James) 27 Scotts’ (F. Headlam Esq.) 7…

No 474

The subject for the prize essay this year is “Greek and Roman colonies”; for the Verses Ister Husirius The subjects for the Sixth Form at the Examination of Whitsuntide are Philippus of Demosthenes Antigone of Sophocles Cicero Pro Lex Roscio The Acts of the Apostles The Geography of Europe – Ancient & Modern Chipmell’s History…