No. 9

The subjects for the Whitsuntide Exam are this time: Thucydides – Bk VI Aeschylus – Eumenides Homer Iliad VII – XII Epistle to the Romans Livy – Bk VI Juvenal Sat: I.III.IV.V.VIII Virgil – Georgics Gibbon’s Roman Text to page 397 Davison on Prophecy Page 169 to end W. Winters Prin. Opp.

No 575

Scott told us that for the future (dating from Whitsuntide 1861) early plays would be done away with and that as a compensation for it, the half past seven school during the summer half year would be done away with. It is only an exchange for the worse during the summer half year on account…

No 574

Elected to Oxford of the T.B. P. Southby obtained the Dean Thomas Whitsuntide 1861. List of T.B. in the Sixth after Whitsuntide. J. L. Swale W. Winter F. W. Maclean J. H. Forster J. L. Swale Prin. Opp.

No 557

We were surprised one night this half by being called in before Scott and Marshall and questioned as to the immorality of the school in general and College in particular. After leaving us Scott proceeded to Weare’s, having previously been to Rego’s, where he remained till 3 o’clock in morning investigating. All the Q.Ss were…

No 543

The subjects for the Whitsuntide Examination were: Homer, Books 7-12, Iliad Virgil, Books 7-12 Thucydides, Book 4 Euripides, Alcestis Cicero in Verrem II.5 Juvenal Satires, Epistle to the Galatians with Acts 15-28 Liddell’s History of Rome, page 412 to end Subject for the Ireland Prize “Columbus” For Greek Iambic Prize Milton, Paradise Lost Book…

No 527

The Number of the school at Whitsuntide 1857 was 128. Grants (Rev. J. Marshall) 37. Rigaud’s (Rev. B. Jones) 23. Scotts (C. W. Wingfield Esq.) 5. Home Boarders 23. In all 88 Town boys A.F. Pope Pr. Opp.