No. 434

The result of “Election” this year is as follows: W.A. Peck | |Oxford | C.W.R. Tepper R.S. Owen   A.A. Sikes | |Cambridge | H.C. Benbow H.W. de Sausmarez Triplett Exhibitions A.A. Sikes H.C. Benbow Triplett Gratuity C.Ogle   Cyril Ogle Prin: Opp:

No. 423

The Subjects for Election this year are: Æschylus – “Sept contra Theb:” Plato: “Rep” Bk i-ii Tacitus: “Hist” Bk iv Lucretius Bk v Gk: Test: 1 Con: xiii & 2 Cor: Davison on Prophecy ch v-end Stubbs “Const: History” ch x-end Extras    Homer “Il” Bks xix & xx Virgil “Æn” Bks vii viii ix

No. 391

The annual election of Major candidates this year was To Oxford: To Cambridge: H.B. Cox, TB. E.P. Guest, QS. T.B. Strong, TB. W.G. Bell, TB. E.M. Eddis, QS. H. Marshall, QS. G. Dale, QS.   The examiners were the Rev. H.L. Thompson, M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford, and J.M. Image, Esq., M.A., fellow of Trinity,…

No. 390

The election of Minor Candidates this year was- W.C. Dale, R.H. Williams, H.W. Waterfield, O. Scoones, F.H. Janson, A.G.L. Rogers, W.L. Warren, S.H. Clarke*, C.T. Shebbeare*, M.R. Bethune*. Prae electi. G.V. Sampson, E.P. Sandwith.   *Exhibitioners elected on the foundation.

No. 378

There will be a great alteration in the examinations for admission into College this year. The examination will not take place with the Exhibition examinations at Easter, & 3 candidates from without the school under 14 years of age will be allowed to enter without passing a year in the school, as has been the…

No. 344

The Elections to Oxford & Cambridge are taken this year by H.P. Robinson & E.W. Pole, to Oxford, & J.M. Lutyens, G. Dale & C.B. Collyns to Cambridge, all being QSS. No townboy entered for election.

No. 242

The elections to Oxford were – P.G.L. Webb QS W.C Ryde QS W.H.A. Cowell QS To Cambridge – E.V. Arnold QS Capt. G.M Hill QS F. Whitehead QS Triplett exhibitions to Arnold (gratuity), Hill, Brickdale. E.V. Arnold had already gained a foundation scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge.

No. 233

Subjects for Election are. Aschylus. Prometheus Vinctus Cicero Epistola Selectae. II. Thessalonians I. II. Golden Treasury Psalter Pearson’s English History V.VI. Books of Hidd. (Extras) XI. XII. Books of Virgil (Extras) Plato’s Phado Horace. Odes IV IV Homer (Viva voce) X Virgil (Viva voce)

No. 210

Election. The candidates were- Q.S.S. H.S. Otter            Capt. W.A.L.P Evans A.W. Williams Wynn E.H. Holthouse T.B.B. E.G.B Phillimore (Grant’s) E.M. Rodocanachi (Rigaud’s) F.L. Denman (Grant’s)   Also H. L. Roche QS H.L. Randall QS J.R. Reid               T.B.   There were elected to Oxford: H.S. Otter W.A.L.P. Evans E.G.B. Phillimore   To Cambridge: E.H. Holthouse…

No. 199

Subjects for election: Aeschyli Agamemnon Aeschines against Ctesiphontem to §170 Horatii Flacci Epodes: Ars. Poetica Taciti Annalium Lit. IV Hallam’s Middle Ages chaps. II VII IX Westcott’s Introduction to Study of Gospels. c. IV. V. VI. Pastoral Epistles E.G.B Phillimore. P.O.