No 139

On Friday 4th of Janr 1833, Williamsons marriage with the daughter of (Grey) Bishop of Bristol took place. Williamson had been previously asked to give us an extra week’s holyday which with his accustomed liberality he refused, but promised them at some future period, — As however the present seniors would not be benefitted by…

No 138

On Saturday 15th of December 1832 a silver vase and salver was presented by the Revd W.C. Totton by the Townboys in the sixth and Upper shell and a few who had recently left but who wished to join in contributing to this token of regard and esteem for one, who for thirteen years had…

No 137

The list of the Sixth at Xmas 1832 was as follows Robert Milman * Edward U Sealy Richard P. Warren Wilford G. Brett Augustus Milman * John B. Maule Robert Bromley Thomas B. Lennard * Charles C. Bates * Henry B. Abbott * Reginald T. Locks Joseph R. Turner * Ashburnham Penny Percy S. Warren…

No 136

On Wednesday Decr 12th the sixth dinner was held as usual at Ginger’s Hotel, in Bridge Street.  It was served at 6 o’clock in a way to give satisfaction to all present and was kept us with great spirit till 9 o clock.  Three of the most respectable Homeboarders were invited. E U Sealy President…

No 133*

The old Westminsters thinking they could bring a better eleven to the field than they did on the former day challenged us to play them on the Thursday week following when they were beaten with 7 wickets to go down. The following were the players Old Westr Mayne Lee Ellison Crawford May Sandys Hodgson Borradaile…

No 133

On Tuesday Aug. 7 1832 the annual match between the TB and KS took place in Tothill Fields when the former were beaten with 2 wickets to do down. The following were the players T.B. Milman Tennyson Parkes Sealy Bromley Seaton Stevens Palmer Warren Barnett Sr Whittaker K.S. Randolph Webber Goodenough Charlton Hickson Hemery Farrer…

No 132*

On Wednesday Augt 1st the sixth annual match between eleven of the old Westminster club, and eleven of the present Westminsters, took place in Tothill Fields when the latter beat with 4 Wickets to go down. The players were as follows – Old Westrs Durell Ellison Loftus Wittam Hay Cotton Page Alfrey Jeffrey Sandys Hodgson…