No 168

A Rowing Match having been agreed upon between Preston and Astley (TB) versus Savile and Drew (KS), Roberts through jealousy, on account of their not using his boats (which are considerably too heavy to race in) informed Williamson of it, who instantly stopped it, and set the parties concerned in it an Impositions of such…

No 167

On the 29th of July 1834 the annual Grand Match between the TB’s and KS’s was played in Tothill Fields and terminated in favour of the TB who were victors by a majority of 92 – Barnett Senior beat the King’s Scholars in both Innings off his own bat K.S. Taunton Smith Grey Fisher Savile…

No 166

On Friday June 11th 1834 the annual grand match was played in Tothill Fields, between the Town Boys who had not played in the Grand Match of the preceding year and the Lamprobaticks, in which the former were beaten by 102 Runs in one innings Town Boys Farrer Bower* Coxe Randolph Dodson Peel Lee* Milman…

No 165

A challenge having been sent to the Etonians to play us at cricket a refusal was returned. Their reason for refusing us which they alleged was that they never had time to play more than two matches, and that they always played with Harrow and Winchester, so that unless one of the above mentioned schools…

No 164

An attempt having been made by the KS to take two boys in the Shell into College, in order to inflict some punishment upon them, a strong remonstrance was made against it by the Head of the T.B. and the remainder of the Sixth, and it was prevented from being put into execution. R.P. Warren…

No 163

On Wednesday June 25th 1834 the Annual Match between the Present Westminsters and the Old Westminster Club, took place in Tothill Fields, in which the latter were beaten with five wickets to go down. Old Westrs Col. Lowther Alfrey Dasent Ellison Hodgson Smale May Dunlop Tattersal Carrow Troward Young Westrs *Fisher Barnett Sen *Murray Barnett…

No 161

Musical Festival in the Abbey – June 24th-26th-28th July At this Festival, as at the former one, the whole school had seats in the Abbey. These seats were in the Quoir, and from them little or nothing of the company could be seen, but the music was heard to great advantage. We took our seats…

No 159*

Another sailing match took place, subsequently to those already mentioned – the following were the boats engaged in the contest. General Hurst Osborn Colonel Preston Astley Commodore Milman Lowther Sen. Captain Bewicke Somerton Admiral Warren Vialls The Boats after a beautifully contested race (the two first boats, having been side by side the whole way…