No 179

Williamson having proposed as a subject for an English Prize poem a translation of the chorus in the Hecuba several fellows tried for it and the best exercise being declared by Williamson to be that shown up by a Townboy, it was of course expected that he would have the prize, but in the interval…

No 177

In consequence of the Scarlet Fever making its appearance in the school it was thought prudent to break up the school thereby adding a week to the Whitsuntide holydays. The seniors were obliged to stay for their Election. C. Bewicke Head Boarder

No 176

Ditch-leaping was this year, in order to lull the suspicions of the master, deferred to March 17th when this ancient custom was kept up by a large assemblage of fellows. In consequence of there being names at 11 o’clock (as usual on early plays) we were much hurried, and the KS fearful of being late…

No 174

In consequence of two old Westminsters, Anstice and Woolcombe , being in the first class at Oxford this year Williamson gave us an early play on Saturday Jan. 24th, as a compliment to them. Calverley Bewicke Head Boarder [Robert Richard Anstice 1813-1853 and Henry Woollcombe 1813-1885]

No 173

On Monday Dec 15th being the 3rd performance of the Eunuch in College the King attended according to his gracious promise. A covered way was erected from Williamsons door to College door through which his Majesty passed about seven o clock and was received with immense cheering. He expressed himself well pleased with the performance…

No 172

The list of the Sixth at Xmas 1834 was as follows Edward A. Milman* Joseph R. Turner* Robert H Hurst* Calverley Bewicke William F. Dodson Frederick J. Tuner* Ld March Edward H Smedley George H Wingfield (9) R.H. Hurst HB The Christian names were added by C. Bewicke HB Those marked with an asterisk are…

No 171

On Wednesday Dec. 10th the annual sixth dinner took place as usual, but in consequence of the threats denounced against it by Williamson it was through proper to leave the place when it had been lately held, both in consequence of its proximity to Westminster and its being known as the usual place for the…

No 170

On account of the death of his royal highness the Duke of Gloucester which took place on Sunday evening Dec 30th 1834, it was expected (as is usual on such occasions) that the College Play would be stopped, and orders to that effect were issued by the Dean and notice given of it by Williamson…