No 263

March 1 – 1842 A quarrel between the TB & QSS which lasted some time began this day in consequence of Beasley a Bishops’ Boy in the Sixth having licked a Second Election.* The facts are as follows – The Captain* having head that this fellow in the 2d Election has been licked, sent to…

No 261

Altho’ I was taken in the examination by Speerway, yet having been first when the ledger was handed over to me in August I of course continued to call myself head of the Town Boys, independant of any changes in the School, which rule holds good with respect to Cricket & Water – W.G. Andrewes…

No 260

The list of the Sixth form after Xmas 1841 stood thus. Karslake HB Busford HB Speerway Andrewes Beasley Gillett Marshall Karslake soon after was put in the 7th as a reward for his examination & where he remained about 3 or 4 months till he left. W.G. Andrewes Prin. Opp.

No 259

On the 8th of September 1841 George Preston (who had been under Master for many years as well as usher) died suddenly! He was succeeded by the Revd T.W. Weare of Ch. Ch. Oxford who was elected from Westminster about 11 9 years before. A neat tablet was put up in the Cloisters by permission…

No 258

On Tuesday August 3rd the annual match between TBs and KSs was played in Vincent Square in which the TBs were defeated by 51 runs. Eight of the QS eleven however were in the eleven & therefore had much the advantage over us. Besides we were deprived of the services of Deacon one of our…

No 257

On Monday July 12th & following days a match at cricket was played between the first and last half of the alphabet i.e. First A-M, last the rest. The first half was beaten with 6 wickets to go down. A return match was begun but owing to a good many fellows not being able to…

No 256

This year Eton did not send us any challenge to row them. Probably they did not challenge us because there was a great deal of scarlet fever in the school, which must have greatly hindered their rowing. Roberts had just built us a beautiful new boat, suited to our strength. And people who had seen…

No 255

On Friday & Monday July 23rd & July 26th the annual Lamprobatick match took place. To which TB were defeated in one innings. On the TB side one of the best men was absent from illness. For particulars see Cricket Ledger. N.G. Smart Prin. Opp.

No 254

On Tuesday June 29th 1841 the annual match between the present Westminsters and the Mary-le-bone club took place at Vincent Square. The day was showery but notwithstanding the game was kept up with great spirit on both sides. Unfortunately 3 of our best men were unavoidably absent, one however came at the latter part of…