No 241

This year, (1840) The Etonians sent us a challenge to row them from Westminster to Putney. Although the crew was not so good as it was the last time we were prevented from rowing them, yet we wished for the race. Knowing however, by past experience, that it was useless to attempt the race without…

No 240

On the “Chairing day” before Whitsuntide, 1840, an event occurred, which, as it maybe useful or entertaining to those who may hereafter read this Ledger, I have thought right to notice.  Mr Bentall, usher of the fifth, who, either deservedly or not, had been for some time past very unpopular amongst the fellows in general,…

No 237

The list of the Sixth at Christmas 1839 was accidentally omitted. It stood then as follows: F. Byron M.F. Osborn H.W. Hodgson *H. P. D[ravis] H.M. Curteis (5) Those marked with an asterisk are Home boarders. Added by M.F.F. Osborn Prin. Opp.

No 236

The Dean with unaccustomed generosity last year (1838) paved our racket court, which has since proved of the greatest advantage. F Byron Prin. Opp. *This ought to have been inserted some few pages back, but it is an oversight of no great consequence.

No 233

The Head of the KS. Water having challenged the Head of the TB water to produce a four (the said four not being in the 6th or upper Shell) to equal the under election four, the following were chosen and went on to practice – Town boys (Stroke) Beasley (Scott’s) Hughes (Grant’s) Thomas (Bentall’s) Burton…

No 232

Col. Lowther was kind enough to ask Williamson for leave up to Lord’s cricket ground to play a return match with Mary-le-bone which with his accustomed generosity he refused. F Byron Prin. Opp. Vide Cricket Ledger