No 159

On the 13 June 1834 another match was sailed between five half deckers also manned by Town Boys The Commodore Bewicke and Somerton The General Milman and Lowther The Colonel Preston and Astley The Captain Warren and Vialls The Admiral, Hurst and Osborne This race was won by the Commodore, the General coming in 2nd…

No 158

On Thursday June 12th 1834 a match was sailed between 4 half deckers of Roberts’s manned by Town Boys, the boats were, The Commodore, Milman and Lowther The Admiral, Bewicke and Somerton The Captain Hurst and Osborne The Colonel Preston and Astley The match was won by the Commodore, the Colonel and the Captain coming…

No 157

After Whitsuntide this year (1834) Williamson annulled the rule, which, on the two former years he had put into force, that names should be called over at the fields at ½ past 7 and in Deans Yard at ¼ to 8. R.P. Warren Prin. Opp.

No 154

As we thought it very probably that Williamson would endeavour to prevent Ditch leaping on the 1st of March – it was agreed to go on Saturday 15th of February which was an early play – a pretty good show of TBs and KS were assembled, considering the lowness of the school, and again succeeded…

No 153

A Homeboarder in the Sixth having become a boarder at Stelfox’s It was thought right by myself and the rest of the Sixth to make the following regulation. “That no one can have any of the priveledges of Head Boarder altho’ nominally so, or have a fag, or be head of a house, or head…

No 152

The list of the Sixth at Christmas 1833 is as follows Robert Milman * Edward U Sealy * John B. Maule Richard P. Warren E. Augustus Milman * Joseph Turner * Robert Bromley Thomas E. Preston George Pringle * Reginald T. Cocks William S. W. Vaux Calverley Bewicke Thomas B. Lennard * Robert H. Hurst…

No 151

On Wednesday December 11th the sixth dinner was held as usual at Ginger’s Hotel in Bridge Street. The party consisted of all the Boarders in the Sixth with two homeboarders who were invited to join them. It was kept up till 9 o’clock with the greatest spirit. E U Sealy President R Milman (Homeboarder) Vice…

No 150

On Friday August 2nd a new eight oared boat was launched from Roberts, and after a bottle of wine had been broken over her bow she was christened the ‘Victoria’ amidst the enthusiastic cheers of all the Westminsters. In the evening eight fellows picked out of the whole school, rowed her up to Putney steered…