No 315
On the following Thursday the T.B & Q.S’ match was played in which the former were beaten by 27 runs. On the same day the silver sculls were given up to Goodenough. J. Preston O.P.
On the following Thursday the T.B & Q.S’ match was played in which the former were beaten by 27 runs. On the same day the silver sculls were given up to Goodenough. J. Preston O.P.
Tuesday July 29th 1845 was marked by an event which I feel sure will be remembered, after what passed last year, with sincere pleasure by every Westminster as long as the School shall exist. I mean the Boat Race between Eton & Westminster which took place on that day & terminated in favour of the…
On Saturday July 5th /45. we had an Early Play, because Ingram Sr. had fortunately taken a First Class in his College Examinations at Cambridge. J. Preston O.P.
It may perhaps appear a trivial & needless circumstance for me to mention here yet as I have frequently heard the point contested & still remain unanswered I may as well add here what I ought rightly to have inserted higher up viz that to settle the point it was resolved this year that when…
Owing to the superiority of the TB heavy four the Minor Candidates did not race them this year.
On May 27th being the day on which the Queens Birthday was kept (& which had generally fallen in the Whitsuntide Holidays, but did no this year owing to their early commencement) the Sixth had leave up Town in the Evening to see the illuminations.
On May the 9th Dr. T. Turton was made Bishop of Ely vice Dr J. Allen deceased. In whose room was appointed Dr. Wilberforce who read himself in on Sunday May 25th
During the Whitsuntide Holidays on ___ died Dr. E. Goodenough formerly Head Master of Westminster at his own Deanery, Wells, in Somersetshire. He dropped down dead whilst walking round his grounds with one of his younger sons W. Goodenough then at Westminster in the Fourth Form. He left a large family.
The Sixth then stood. J. Preston 7th W. Green* C. West
This year no holiday task was set at Whitsuntide proving the truth of what I advanced at No 287.