It may perhaps appear a trivial & needless circumstance for me to mention here yet as I have frequently heard the point contested & still remain unanswered I may as well add here what I ought rightly to have inserted higher up viz that to settle the point it was resolved this year that when the pancake was thrown in School on Shrove Tuesday it should be retained whole by Barton a Q.S. after a shew of scrambling & “greasing” who should then make the experiment on Dr. Turton as to whether a Sovereign was obtainable or no on the representation of the School Pancake at the Deanery – whole – I am happy to add as an excitement and stimulus to future exertions that the result of the experiment was highly satisfactory & that the fortunate possessor returned from the Deanery 20s heavier in the pocket than when he went.
J. Preston O.P.