No 352

In consequence of a fever having broken out, it was broken up on Saturday, May 6th 1848 and 6 weeks holiday was given, that is to say in addition to the regular Whitsuntide holidays. The fever proved fatal in 2 cases, both in College. D. Stewart Prin. Opp.

No 351

On Thursday, August 3rd, the annual match between the T.Bs and Q.Ss in which the former were victorious by 41 runs. The elevens scores were as follows. Town Boys D. Stewart 6 – 1 = 7 J. Goodrick 5 -1 = 6 E. P. Repton 0 – 20 = 20 F. Hallett 2 – 0…

No 350

The Westminsters rowed in a four at Richmond. 1. Steward 2. Parratt 3. Williams 4. Barkers – Burton Coxs And also at Mortlake 1. Armitstead 2. Steward 3. Williams 4. Barken – Burton Coxs in the first of which matches they were beaten through their breaking their rudder string & being fouled and in the…

No 349

The match for the sculls took place on Saturday, August 7th from Mortlake to Putney. Steward (the winner) had the race in his hands from the beginning. The following is order in which the candidates came in. C. W. Steward. T.B J. R. Armitstead. Q.S W. M. Parratt. B.B F. Hallett. T.B J. Goodrick. B.B…

No 348

On Thursday, July 27th, the match with Eton took place from Barker’s Rails to Putney Bridge. The eight were trained by Noulton, by whom the outrigger was also built. The course was rowed over by the Etonians, the winners, in 25 minutes & 50 seconds, beating the Westminsters by 1 minute + 30 seconds. The…

No 346

List of Town Boys after Bartholomew Tide, in the sixth 1847 *Turle Stewart *Goodrick. B.B *Parratt. BB Those, to whose names an asterisk is prefixed, are Home Boarders. Duncan Stewart Prin. Opp.

No 345

The annual sculling match took place on Thursday, August 5th, 1846 from Vauxhall to Putney. The names of those who started were, Smart. Q.S. Steward. T.B Armitstead. Q.S. West T.B Williams. Q.S Rich. Q.S. Arches at Vauxhall Bridge They came in in the following order, Rich. Q.S. Steward. T.B Armitstead. Q.S Smart. Q.S Williams. Q.S…

No 344

I think it best to state here that seeing the low number of boys in the school a time ago & not anticipating the change of Master which has taken place, I have completed a copy of this Ledger (which was for that purpose begun by Joseph Preston our late Head TB) for my private…