No 312

It may perhaps appear a trivial & needless circumstance for me to mention here yet as I have frequently heard the point contested & still remain unanswered I may as well add here what I ought rightly to have inserted higher up viz that to settle the point it was resolved this year that when…

No 236

The Dean with unaccustomed generosity last year (1838) paved our racket court, which has since proved of the greatest advantage. F Byron Prin. Opp. *This ought to have been inserted some few pages back, but it is an oversight of no great consequence.

No 191

One of the Seniors, Hotham, having written to Mr Hudson, a gentleman attached to the King’s household and formerly at Westminster, to be, that if he had an opportunity, he would request the King to attend the representation of the Adelphi, he accordingly made the desired application to his Majesty who in the most gracious…

No 126

The Dean having received a most gracious communication from his Majesty expressive of his entire satisfaction at the arrangements made in the Abbey for the Coronation, was pleased to give us an extra week’s holiday this Xmas in token of his approbation of the conduct of the Westminsters during that ceremony – J.R. Cornish Head…