A few days before Election the Head Master sent for me & told me that if I had stayed longer than the summer term he would have made me Captain of the School(!), but that as things stood, he advised to waive any right(!)
I believe such a change is most undesirable; for, setting aside the question of the difficulties the first town boy captain would encounter, it is desired neither by Q.SS or T.BB. The present system works exceedingly well, &, even if there be no written rule that the Captain be a Q.S, College has possessed the privilege from time in memorial, & has a prescriptive right to the office.
This notion of making Town boy Captains strings from the system of choosing monitors from those who are head in examinations, which may very possibly lead to disastrous results. Many very clever & industrious fellows are utterly unfit for monitorial authority through want of influence in the school.
A.M.T. Jackson Pr. Opp.