The other morning Liddell called me up and said he was surprised to hear that Bishop’s Boys were not considered TBs, nor allowed to exercise authority over them (TBs) as Pr. Opp. when above any other TB in the Sixth, at the same time saying that when he made the BBs leave off their purple gowns, he then placed them on the same footing as TBs – I argued with him some time, and showed many instances where BBs , though above any TBs in the Sixth, yet, were not considered Pr. Opps. He summed up by saying that he should see Weare (the Under Master and an Old Westminster) about it. He has not spoken to me since counting it, and thus, I suppose, ends the matter; but I hope that all future Pr. Opp. Will not surrender up his or any other TB Ledger to any Bishops Boys.
J. Gray Pr. Opp.