The fast-ball has been revived this half with great vigour, & a match has got up by J Steward & A Miliman which came off on Wednesday afternoon October 13th which terminated in favour of the Present Westminsters, the game standing when we left off Present Westminsters 9 & Old Westminsters 3, The players on each side were:
Old West.
C. Howard
A. Milman
J. Morrak
F. Green
F. Steward
F. Henty
W. A. Hunt
R. Freeman*
L. Williams*
C. Howard
A. Milman
J. Morrak
F. Green
F. Steward
F. Henty
W. A. Hunt
R. Freeman*
L. Williams*
Prst Westrs
L. Twiss QS
F. Oliver QS
L. J. Gilbert QS
W. Madan QS
E. Vincent QS
C. Upperton QS
A. Williams QS
A. Slade QS
O. Salvin TB
J. Fellows TB
J. Allington TB
L. Twiss QS
F. Oliver QS
L. J. Gilbert QS
W. Madan QS
E. Vincent QS
C. Upperton QS
A. Williams QS
A. Slade QS
O. Salvin TB
J. Fellows TB
J. Allington TB
Those marked * are Present Westminsters who were put in to make up the number of the other side. As Green left soon after the game began Gilbert was handed over to their side.
O. Salvin Prin. Opp.