(Aug 9th)
On Friday the race for the silver rudder (vid. No 281) came off. Six boats entered, but only 3 were on station viz
Evered (1)
Wright (2)
Cox Waters
Steward (2)
Galloway (1)
Cox Southey Jun.
Henty (2)
Hammond (1)
Cox Horne
The course was from Battersea to Westminster. Steward’s boat took the lead: but Wright’s was picking up and was ½ a boat’s length in advance of Stewards when a foul took place the fault of Steward’s boat. We (Wright’s boat) might have claimed the prize, but as Steward seemed dissatisfied we agreed to pull again on Saturday (10th) This race …[ing] by came off between the … Steward’s boat took the lead, and we did not get ahead the whole course. At Westminster bridge a barge was across the arch which we had intended passing thro’ & of course we lost much by it. We were picking them up fast when they came to Hungerford about ½ a boat’s length ahead of us thus winning the race.
Everard Evered Prin. Opp.