No 391

(Aug 9th) On Friday the race for the silver rudder (vid. No 281) came off. Six boats entered, but only 3 were on station viz Evered (1) Wright (2) Cox Waters Steward (2) Galloway (1) Cox Southey Jun. Henty (2) Hammond (1) Cox Horne The course was from Battersea to Westminster. Steward’s boat took the…

No 375

An upper shell boy (Whitaker) having challenged a sixth form boy (Evered) to row him a sculling match, in fun, the race came off in earnest on Monday April 28th. They moved in light [fairings] from Westminster to Vauxhall bridge. Whitaker took his lead, but came in about twenty boats length after Evered. Another race…

No 360

The second eight received a challenge from a four chosen out of the eleven, to race them from Battersea Bridge to Westminster (B.). It was accepted and the four of the eleven!!! was beaten by seven or eight boats length. The race took place upon the 22nd of June: the boats were arranged as follows.…

No 357

N.B. The annual sculling match took place as usual though the last Head Town boy omitted to mention it. The race was from Westminster Bridge to Putney. The candidates were Stewart, Barnes Q.S., Wright & Goodrick who came in first & was consequently the winner.

No 272

The Queen Scholar and Town Boy Heads of the Water having proposed a race between the Town Boys (in the 5th and 4th) and the Minor Candidates it was arranged that they should race in the heavy 4 oared boats belonging to each from Vauxhall to Battersea. The Townboys were victorious by a great deal,…

No 144

In consequence of the accident mentioned in the preceding number Williamson sent round the following regulations about the water. 1st No boy is allowed to go on the water except in one of Robert’s boats, and with his permission or knowledge – and if a boy has a private boat he must keep it at…

No 37

On Friday evening July 13 (1821) a rowing match took place between 2 four oard’s : The under-school of Grants having challenged the whole of the remaining under-school to row with them from Battersea Bridge to Westminster Br[idge]. The match was won with ease by the Grantites. The names of the rowers were as follows.…