No. 17

Complaints were made to me of 2nd elections’ fagging T.B.B. which was considered contrary to rules. I looked up the T.B. Ledger and could find no rule which gave them such power, so asked Pryce & Sharpe to put notices ‘up Grant’s’ of & ‘Homeboarders’ to the effect that no TB need fag for a…

No. 16

The Athletic Sports were held on Friday and Saturday April 10th & 11th. This was the first year in which the Sports were held in the Spring. Friday was such a filthily wet day that Blackburn and Tanner, the authors of the change, were very crestfallen as they deeply felt the humiliation of having to…

No. 15

The second and third elevens have been filled up as follows.                 Second Eleven G.G. Phillimore, J.W. Aris, J. Salwey, H.P. Lowe, E. Jervis, P.C. Probyn, R. Thornton, H. Wylde, H. Berens, J.E. Phillimore, J.H. Peck.                 Third Eleven R.H. Bellairs, L. James, C. Bompas, E.G. Moon, C. Grant-Wilson, J. Veitch, A.M. Balfour, J.S. Watt,…

No. 14

Various letters have appeared in the papers slanging Rutherford, two in the Morning Post about the ‘pancake’, one in the Guardian and one in some of the Norfolk local papers. Truth has had 3 or 4 articles upon the Headmaster’s misdemeanours and in the number for March 19 the following letter appeared. Dean’s Yard. Westminster,…

No. 12

The subjects for the Prize Competition were as follows:- Dean Ireland’s (i) Greek Prose, More’s Utopia Bk ii ch 5. ‘The people’ – ‘chiefly themselves’. (ii) Greek Verse, Matthew Arnold’s ‘Tristan & Isolde’: ‘And is she happy’ – ‘today’s exact repeated effigy.’ (iii) Latin Prose, Bacon’s essays om ‘Revenge’ – Gumbleton’s English Verse, ‘Gordon’.

No. 8

The Glee Club gave its fifth concert on Feb 17. The 3rd scene of the 3rd act of Much Ado about nothing, & a violin solo from Mr Troutbeck were the most noticeable features of the entertainment. The 6th concert was held on Mar 18, the greater part of which was taken up by scenes…