Various letters have appeared in the papers slanging Rutherford, two in the Morning Post about the ‘pancake’, one in the Guardian and one in some of the Norfolk local papers. Truth has had 3 or 4 articles upon the Headmaster’s misdemeanours and in the number for March 19 the following letter appeared.
Dean’s Yard. Westminster, SW.
Dear Truth – Do the Governors of Westminster School know how the new Headmaster is “carrying on”? The harsh tone of voice, the repellent manner – to masters as well as boys – were new to Westminster School. We could scarcely believe our eyes when we saw one in such a position of dignity giving way to what has all the appearance of ungovernable temper, for surely no Headmaster of a Public school would throw a book at a boys head or strike another four tremendous blows with the palm of his hand on the cheek unless he were carried away by passion. “Houndings” and birchings are quite common enough at Westminster but never before in our time were they carried out with such physical force. The strokes have been increased both in number and violence. If the present regime is to be continued the school will soon become the last instead of the third great Public School in England.
Believe me
Yours truly
A Westminster Boy.